
  • The Omni Parker Hotel
    60 School Street
    Boston, MA 06510
  • Thursday September 12, 01:00pm - 05:00pm
  • #rmedicine

Is this workshop for me?

This workshop will be appropriate for attendees who answer yes to these questions:

Have you written or collaborated on a medical manuscript to submit for publication to a peer-reviewed journal?

Have you downloaded and used R? Can you install and load packages?

Have you used R with the RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)?

Can you send R code from a source file (.R, .Rmd) to the console?


Starting with a mock clinical trial dataset, we’ll use R Markdown to combine prose, R code, and figures and tables created with R code into a nicely formatted and reproducible final manuscript.

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn how to:

  1. Identify the basic anatomy of an R Markdown document.

  2. Make and knit an R Markdown document.

  3. Add text, R code, and output to an R Markdown document.

  4. Change the output format of an R Markdown document.

  5. Use R code to create tables summarizing participants (i.e., a “Table One”) and statistical analyses within an R Markdown document.

  6. Organize files and set up file paths when working in an R Markdown project.

  7. Avoid growing pains as your R Markdown project evolves alongside your research project.

  8. Export your figures and tables to a place you can find on your computer so you can share and re-use them.

  9. Embed figures generated from R code in an R Markdown document, including multi-panel plots.

  10. Control how your figures look using knitr code chunk options, captions, and cross-references.

  11. Use new output formats like powerpoint presentations, conference posters, etc.- all built with R Markdown as the foundation.